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Todays birthday cars:
70 years old
67 years old
66 years old
65 years old
64 years old
63 years old

VIN E53F001072

Car Year: 1953
Car's approximate birthday: October 8, 1953
Owner: No Present Owner
State: Unknown
Exterior: Unknown
Interior: Unknown
Softtop: Unknown
Wheels: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Zone: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Code: Unknown
Options: RPO Option Percentage
Sold [%]
Sales Price
  02934 Base Engine 235ci "Blue Flame" 150hp (150hp) 100.00% 3,498.00
  101A Heater 100.00% 91.40
  101B AM Radio 100.00% 145.15
  Total   100.000000000000000%
(300 Cars)
Factory job nr.: Unknown
Export Car: Non Export Car
Other details: This car is one of 300 built. Serial Number 72. It was the 72nd corvette to ever roll off the assembly line. It is one of the finest built in the country. It has many prestigious awards such as the Zora Duntov Award which only 15 other 53's achieved in the country. It is also 1 of 9 53's with a Bloomington Gold Certification. In addition, the car also recieved Concorse DeElegance awards. The car has also made multiple appearances on Television such as 'The Today Show' and 'Good Morning America.' It has one numerous Best of Show awards and has been used by the NCRS for judging classes. All the numbers and dates match.
The car was pulled out of a barn in Lake Goerge, NY in 2000.
When we bought the car it was in cardboard boxes. The car was fully restored by Steinway Auto Body down to every nut and bolt.
All the hard work resulted in the car scoring a 99.6 at the NCRS National in 2002.

My asking price is $200,000.
Car history:
As per the Winter 2003, NCRS Driveline Magazine, on pg. 30, John Salvio purchased #72 from Jack Gillette of Lake George, NY who also owns two other 1953 Corvettes: #173 and #178. Previous owner: Michael Sumners (Syracuse, NY). 'another former owner: Rick Rentschuler, Santo Rosa, California (before Michael Sumners)' (per Noland Adams)
For Sale: No

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